Project Report
| Aug 26, 2019
New Green farms in Thar
By ASIF MAHMOOD JAH | project leader
green farms in thar
Respected Donors, I trust all is fine with you. May Almighty bless you All. Deserts to Green farms is a project by Customs Health Care in Collaboration with GlobalGiving Founadation and of course the help of your donations. This project is aimed at converting the deserts of Thar into green fields in order provide food to the humans and fodder to the cattle and other animal of Thar. Though this project has not attracted many donors, CHCS is hopeful that donors and humanitarian across the globe will come forward and support this project as they have been doing with our projects, Drinking water wells for the humans as well as animals of Thar which is a water scarce area and there are no rains over the years, These green farms will not supply safe drinking water but also food to the malnourished children of Tharparkar in Sindh,Pakistan.
vegetables from green farms
From deserts to green farms
one of the green farms
water well with green farm
May 9, 2019
More Green Farms in Thar
By Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah | Project Leader
New Green Farm being developed
Respected Donors, It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that our project, Desserts to Green Farms for humans as well as animals of Thar is going smoothly and more green farms are being established. The project has been uploaded few months ago. It has not attracted many donors but the management of Customs Health Care Society is establishing more green farms in Thar with the help of local donors. The donors of our project, Drinking water for humans and animals of Thar who have been donating generously over the years are kindly requested to donate for this project also. It is also informed that the fertile land of Thar has been irrigated with the sweet water from the wells which has resulted in growing of crops like wheat, vegetables and fodder for the cattle. The concept of developing green farms will definitely result in meeting the food requirements of the people of Thar. Already the wheat and vegetables produced from the green farms have been distributed among the poor people of Thar. With your kind support and with collaboration of GlobalGiving Foundation, Customs Health Care Society will be able to establish more green farms in near future. Thus the desserts of Thar will be converted into Greenfields.
Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah
Project Leader
New Green Farm
Greenery in the Deserts of Thar
Children filling their pitchers with sweet water
Developed Lush Green Field
Feb 25, 2019
Lush greenfield in Thar
By Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah | Project Leader
Green Farm in Thar
Respected Donors,
Seasons greeting. It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that our project, Desserts to Green Farmsfor humans as well as animals of Thar is going smoothly and more green farms are being established. The project has been uploaded few months ago. It has not attracted many donors but the management of Customs Health Care Society is establishing more green farms in Thar with the help of local donors. The donors of our project, Drinking water for humans and animals of Thar who have been donating generously over the years are kindly requested to donate for this project also. With your kind support and with collaboration of GlobalGiving Foundation, Customs Health Care Society will be able to establish more green farms in near future. Thus the desserts of Thar will be converted into Greenfields.
Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah
Project Leader
Wheat and Vegetable in green farm
People are happy with green farm
Animals and humans benefiting from the well
Green farm in full swing