As OneMama enters our tenth year as an organization providing services to the neediest women, children, and families around the globe, we are looking to engage people who are looking to find purpose and joy in their lives, and people looking to create social impact here at home through volunteering and becoming a member of the OneMama Family.
“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

As the political and economical environment shifts the need to keep OneMama’s doors open increases day by day and we are always looking to create new options for OneMama family members. Opportunities where they can volunteer daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. We have opportunities that can be focused on your interest and skills. Some are solitary and social, some are team building and some are digital, yet all help build leadership skills and create impact around the world.
(Click HERE to read about how a hashtag changed the life of one of our long-term volunteers!)
OneMama founder and CEO, Siobhan Neilland, takes this very seriously and talks to every volunteer to make sure they are excited and engaged in their volunteering positions.
Being of service gives you back more than you can ever imagine. Studies have even shown that volunteering makes people happier giving their lives more fun and meaning.
(Some) Benefits of volunteering:“What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.” – Aristotle
- Volunteering connects you to others
- Can give you a unshakable inner joy
- Studies show its good for the body and mind
- Work along side an international leader for social change, Siobhan Neilland
- Increases your leadership, social and relationship skills
- Volunteering helps increase self-confidence
- Gives you a sense of purpose!
Here are just some of the ways you can get involved with volunteering for OneMama…
San Francisco Bay Area Opportunities- Participate in our new program
- Daily pick ups services
- Sorting and selling
- Hauling donations
- Working and volunteering in fashion truck
- Specialty events for OneMama, ShaBoom Beauty, and Donation PickUps
- Back office volunteering positions
- Fund raising on the local level
- Long-term internships
- Volunteering for our Social Giving Impact Programs
- Social media
- Blogging
- Marketing
- Graphic design
- Sales
- Grant writing
- Program writing and design
- Locating and booking speaking engagements
- General back office for the OneMama Fighting for Joy Programs
Once a year, we look for volunteers to come to the United Nations and NY Fashion Week in New York City. This opportunity requires an interview and application process.
International Opportunities
Every year Siobhan goes to Uganda to work on the ground at the OneMama Clinic. Each trip, she hand picks volunteers and program development volunteers to come and assist with programs and funding for the clinic on the ground for six weeks. This also requires an intensive application process. (Limited number of people accepted)
- IT support
- Videographers and video editors
“Our generation has the ability and the responsibility to make our ever-more connected world a more hopeful, stable and peaceful place.” — Natalie Portman
OneMama is looking for YOU! We have positions that can fit your talents and skills or even give you the chance to try something new. We are strong team of people who understand the power of passion and purpose and want to help you find your place in our volunteering programs! Whether you are looking to branch out of your comfort zone or connect with a new group of people, OneMama has a place for you!
Become A OneMama Family Member