In December 2011 10 single-mums and between them their 38 children left the dangerous and congested streets of Kibera slum to move to the Turning Point farm in Kinangop. They have since been living on the community farm learning the skills of farming and building up strength. In December 2013 they will be ready to move onto their own piece of land so they can live a life independent of outside support, farming the land, using and selling the produce to provide for their children
Kibera slum is a dangerous place to bring up a child, with poverty and disease leading to many life threatening problems. With high unemployment rates, families struggle to provide for their children's basic needs. Many children resort to the streets to beg rather than attending school and obtaining an education. Being a single-mum in Kibera is particularly challenging as many have to leave their children home alone for long hours while they go and look for work.
Kinangop provides fresh air and space for children to place in a much safer environment. The mums do not have to leave their children home alone for long hours and can farm the land and use the produce to provide for their children, ensuring school fees are paid and their children go to sleep with a full stomach.
The mums will gain the freedom of owning their own land with all they need to provide for their children without further assistance. The children will be able to grow up and thrive in a healthy and safe environment.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).