This project aims to build a safe and comfortable children's playground in the village of Hatsavan in Armenia. With a safe play area, more than 40 mothers will have an opportunity to seek employment and improve their quality of life. This playground dream for 50 Hatsavan children, when realized, will allow the children to be cared for by fewer caregivers and allow their mothers to pursue economic opportunities as crafts people, online workers, or to supplement farm workers.
In Sisian region, particularly in the village of Hatsavan, due to the lack of play equipment and sports grounds, children have to play illegally either in the memorial complex or on a busy main street, which endangers their lives and health. So the mothers, who fear for their child's safety, must be by the side of their children all the time. Because of that, mothers don't have time to seek the economic opportunities that could have a positive influence on their family's quality of life.
A children's playground, built in the central part of Hatsavan settlement, near a neighborhood shop, will provide a safe and secure area for children to meet and play. After the grounds preparation, playground equipment, tertiary necessities, and lighting are installed, many children can be simultaneously cared for by one or two caregivers, freeing mothers to seek economic opportunities as crafts or trades-people or to provide additional income from increased agricultural production.
The children will have an opportunity to socially integrate with their peers, their parents will realize the physical and social development of their children, and mothers will have more time to pursue economic opportunities, and improve their quality of life. The mother's income will supplement the current farm-based incomes, increase the business prospects within the village, and allow the people to actively participate in the resurgence of the Armenian political and economic processes.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).