Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!

by Asociacion Provida de Venezuela - Provive
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Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 4000 Venezuelan Children to Succeed!


Encouraged by the success of our first Global Giving project, we are now going for a second round to expand work teaching our character formation program "Aprendiendo a Querer" to 4,000 children in the Municipality of Revenga, Aragua State, a highly conflictive area in central Venezuela. After viewing early results, local educational authorities have now allowed us to expand in Revenga to 20 more schools, doubling the number of students as well as the number of teachers trained to assist them.

total raised
monthly donors


Venezuela is a dysfunctional country with a profound humanitarian crisis, with 64% of the population living in multi-dimensional poverty without access to basic health care and nutrition. More than 4 million have fled, leaving their children with grandparents who often lack the proper skills or tools to guide them in these confusing times. Unfortunately, teenage pregnancy has increased and violence among youth has become normalized, with some regions, like Revenga, showing alarmingly high rates.


"Aprendiendo a Querer" is a program that helps children and youth build character and future, with special student books for each grade, teacher training and guides. In class, we work hands-on with vivid examples and realistic solutions to issues students face daily. Using analytical thinking helps students develop lifelong skills. Understanding family and community life, respect for others, fair play and democratic values are essential to prepare future happy and successful law-abiding citizens

Long-Term Impact

This second round will educate 4,000+ students from vulnerable areas to be agents of change, prepared to be reliable and productive citizens, who will energize their generation by developing their natural leadership abilities. Equipped with true emotional intelligence and the necessary conflict resolution skills, as well as with a realistic life plan, makes them enthusiastic men and women capable of succeeding in the reconstruction of families, communities and long-lasting peace in Venezuela.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Asociacion Provida de Venezuela - Provive

Location: West Pam Beach, Florida - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Marian Olavarria
West Palm Beach , FL United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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