An income gives women in rural Darfur villages freedom of choice and ability to make decisions for their families. Almost invariably village leaders are men. Our sustainable projects give women a voice in their communities. Goat Loans, Donkeys, and Midwife & Paravet training give women incomes and change their status. Your help will enable women to build better, life-changing futures for themselves and their children. Our training programs will resume as soon as their is stability in Darfur.
Women are left alone in appalling conditions in Darfur while their husbands leave in search of work. Without any form of income, women are not respected or treated as equals, they do not have a say on any village matters. With no money they have no power over their own lives. Children suffer because the family cannot afford to send them to school, so the cycle of poverty continues. Food insecurity is common across Darfur. Imagine how a mother must feel not to be able to feed her children.
Income is the key to empowering women. Goat Loans mean women can sell milk, yogurt, and male kid goats. This is their first income ever- allowing them to make their own decisions and ensure a better future for themselves and their children, because mothers will put their children first. Women can then send their children to school - Kindergartens which we are building! Training women as Midwives & Paravets gives them income and status in their village, as does owning a blanket, they are so poor.
We will never adopt a village unless the all fully support the empowerment of women. Giving a woman the tools & resources to earn an income and change her life will, in the long-term, change the lives of future generations and end the poverty cycle. This brings a huge positive transformation to the village and because our projects are sustainable, more women benefit over time. As soon as it is safe to do so, we will adopt as many villages as possible.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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