Empower single mothers in Macedonia in freelancing

by Foundation for Sustainable Development IMPACT FOUNDATION
Empower single mothers in Macedonia in freelancing


The covid-19 pandemic brought our labour system in a downfall. Many had to shut down operations leaving many people without work. The freelance market has been functioning well before the pandemic, and it has been in constant growth. The benefits of competitive pay and the ability to work remotely have attracted many. We strive to bring the digital world closer to 10 women, single mothers, with low economic opportunities, by covering vocational education specific to freelancing.

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In North Macedonia, disadvantaged groups have more difficulty accessing the labour market. Apart from the bigger cities, labour is in low demand. This stops many from finding decent work and economic opportunities. Furthermore, women, especially single mothers have even more difficulty finding jobs because of social stigma, the inability to balance work and childcare or other factors that hamper their professional progress.


People in North Macedonia are not fully aware of the benefits of freelancing. Training providers are only now realizing the full potential of freelancing and have begun developing training programs for this type of work. Requiring only a wi-fi connection and a computer, it has never been easier to work from home. Another benefit is that freelancing work typically does not require you to work for fixed hours. This makes freelancing a good choice for stay at home mothers.

Long-Term Impact

We can continue to provide training for single mothers who cannot afford it and this will work in favour of both the local economy and the employability of this group. Furthermore, after completing training these women can act as mentors to others in their social circle who might want to take up freelancing and ultimately foster cooperation and better working conditions for many in search of better economic opportunities.


Organization Information

Foundation for Sustainable Development IMPACT FOUNDATION

Location: Skopje - North Macedonia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Foundation for Sustainable Development IMPACT FOUNDATION
Filip Dzambazoski
Project Leader:
Filip Dzambazoski
Skopje , North Macedonia

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