Empowering 100 Disadvantaged Sri Lankan Girls

by Their Future Today
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Empowering 100 Disadvantaged Sri Lankan Girls
Empowering 100 Disadvantaged Sri Lankan Girls
Empowering 100 Disadvantaged Sri Lankan Girls


TFT is giving support to a girls state run institution who survive alone, afraid and are denied access to their basic human rights of love and education. The institution houses 100 young girls from 10-18 yrs old, some who are mothers, have suffered abuse and rejection from their families. They are locked up for protection and released at 18 with little or no education or self worth. This project is to create a space to teach life skills, earn qualifications and facilitate empowerment.

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Some of the girls are separated from their babies, deprived of education, privacy, and freedom. When they reach 18 years old they are released into the outside world without life skills, and often resort to prostitution, crime, and suicide. Their babies also become institutionalized and are denied their basic needs of love, education, and identity which creates a perpetual cycle of poverty resulting in further child abandonment.


Their Future Today will build a classroom and bakery to provide a space for educational needs and vocational training for 100 girls. We will also enable art and music therapy classes to facilitate self-expression, build self-esteem, and give emotional support. Our project will improve their education and skills to help find employment in the community, and with our help, the chance to be reunited and support their babies to go on to live fulfilling lives.

Long-Term Impact

The impact of this project will enable 100 abused girls to find employment, lift them out of poverty to support their own families, reduce child abandonment, and become better functioning members of society. We will be filling a gap in the girl's educational, physical and emotional care whilst they remain in the institution. Our vision is to help support families better by providing relevant support to each family case by case. To find out how, please go to our website.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Organization Information

Their Future Today

Location: London - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Joel Stanier
London , Surrey United Kingdom
$21,644 raised of $30,000 goal
553 donations
$8,356 to go
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