Provides rural families with resources to establish and maintain their own micro-businesses. Community members earn income through sustainable family-run businesses in ecotourism, rather than destructive and illegal poaching and logging. Positive side effects of this program include protection of the region's natural biodiversity, as community members see the value in preserving of the integrity of the rainforest and wildlife surrounding the commune.
Poaching, deforestation, and slash and burn farming have taken a devastating toll on Cambodia's Cardamom Mountains, one of Southeast Asia's largest remaining rainforests. Poor villagers have few options, so they hunt and log the forest to support their families. Yet the area's lush forests, winding rivers and wildlife make it an ideal spot for visiting. This project is alleviating poverty through ecotourism income while preventing the destruction of the rainforest and its wildlife.
Benefits the commune of Chi Phat by providing infrastructure, equipment, and training in hospitality, service and project management, while developing income generating activities, such as trekking, mountain biking, wildlife viewing and boating.
Improve villagers' incomes and their capacity to manage local businesses, upgrade community infrastructure and responsibly develop this exquisite region to preserve it for future generations of Cambodians, visitors, and wildlife.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).