The amazing biological & ethnical diversity of the mexican State of Oaxaca is threatened. We can contribute to regenerate the social and natural fabric in the Central Valleys through the example of El Pedregal education and demonstration center. From it, 100 community families around Oaxaca City can start regeneration and sustainable production projects. We search for social synergies to protect water sources and biodiversity, enhance peoples living conditions and take climate action measures.
The ecological and social importance of the watershed is widely recognized, but several processes affect its natural integrity and the livelihood of its inhabitants. Current government policies do not adequately address these problems. Inappropriate agricultural practices, particularly in the foothills that supply the city's water, combined with deforestation and rapid population growth, have led to fast water that takes away soils, affects microclimate and causes floods downstream.
In order to regenerate nature, we set examples of land use practices that transform fast water to slow: revegetation, soil conservation, stream restoration, permaculture,ecological forestry. In order to strengthen training and disemination activities, we established El Pedregal, Regeneration and Permaculture Center. Here we carry out several workshops on soil conservation, fuel-saving stoves, water storage, irrigation, organic farming, dry ecological toilettes, and house eco-building.
Securing water sources and promoting slow water practices mean new opportunities for small scale production and diversified income. It reduces migration and increases working force. In the level of small communities around the city, efforts will be focusing on improving the economy of small steep-slope producers. In this sector, we promote food self-sufficiency and productive diversification. At the same time we secure water sources, protect the environment and apply local community proposals.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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