Operation Blessing Japan is delivering disaster relief to the distressed residents of Ishikawa Prefecture in the aftermath of a powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck the Japan Sea coastal area on New Year's Day. This project will secure and deliver fuel and other supplies to needy homes and welfare institutions for the elderly and the handicapped.
A powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula on the west coast of Japan on New Year's Day. This calamity claimed over 200 lives and left tens of thousands of homes in ruins, forcing thousands into emergency shelters, and thousands of homes without power. Homes for the elderly and handicapped are also facing severe challenges to securing necessary fuel to keep generators and heaters running, and securing necessary water and food supplies.
This project will deliver to homes and institutions in need of fuel and other essential supplies such as water, food, and blankets in the disaster area to help people survive the severe Japanese winter. The shortage of fuel is directly impacting the lives and well-being of those affected. Despite freezing temperatures, many are enduring the cold by turning off heating during the day, and so this project will alleviate this problem.
Thousands of earthquake survivors will be able to keep warm to survive the winter season during this crucial time of recovery. There is an urgent need for ongoing fuel support and assistance to protect against cold and prevent secondary disasters such as hypothermia.
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