Vidya Sagar's Early Intervention Program, since 1986, caters to infants with cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, autism, learning disabilities and multiple disabilities. It includes special education, physiotherapy, occupation therapy, communication and vision training learning through play and field trips. The focus is to assess and identify abilities and needs of the child , provide intervention and support and equip families to work with their children during the critical early year
Services for infants with multiple disabilities are far and few .There are very few medical professionals who guide the parents of a child with disability towards rehabilitation. Children with cerebral palsy, autism & intellectual disability have communication difficulties. There is an increased number of children with cerebral palsy plus low vision with inadequate services which needs to be addressed. There is a need for awareness on the significance of holistic early intervention programs.
In Vidya Sagar, children are given specific intervention based on their immediate needs. We practice the transdisciplinary model and our aim is to provide more family centered, coordinated and integrated services (with focus on alternative and augmentative communication and vision training) to meet the complex needs of children with disabilities and their families. The program also includes home visits, experiential learning and outings which helps generalization and concept learning.
The program improves the quality of life of the child. With access to information and communication mode, the child's self confidence is built. It fulfills the immediate physical needs, increases the opportunities for learning and the child can move to next level in special schools or inclusive settings. Interaction with professionals enables the family to understand the condition of the child, realize the potential and needs of the child, have realistic expectations and move towards achieving
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).