On the backdrop of the current El Nino induced drought in Sothern Africa, this project will provide food relief for 225 rural households (size-disaggregated) in Shurugwi, Zimbabwe. The households, who depend on rain fed agriculture for livelihoods, face severe food insecurity for the next 12 months. Thus, the project will provide food aid/cash transfers to the households in line with Women in Communities Zimbabwe's Strategic Plan (DRM priority focus) and the SPHERE Core Humanitarian Standard.
There are currently more than 200 rural households in Shurugwi, Zimbabwe facing severe food and nutrition insecurity as a result of the 2023-2024 El Nino induced drought. The household members comprise of women, children, and the elderly - who are disproportionately affected by the drought. The situation is exacerbated by water poverty due to poor groundwater recharge -villagers walk for more than 3km to the nearest water source. The project will target 225 vulnerable households.
Based on Women in Communities Zimbabwe's Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Framework, the project will provide food aid through cash transfers for starving rural households. 2 boreholes will be drilled to alleviate drought associated water poverty for the households. Already trained Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) Champions will actively participate in the project as village focal persons.
The project will relieve 225 vulnerable rural households (size-disaggregated) from the impacts of the severe 2023-2024 El Nino induced drought and hunger, which will contribute to improved food and nutrition security, and good health and wellbeing (SDG3) for the families.
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).
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