On December 6th some M'Lop Tapang staff and friends participated in the annual Angkor Wat marathon and bike ride. Some cycled 100 kilometers and others joined in the running races. They all sweated in out in the heat in an effort is raise funds to purchase 50 bicycles and 100 sports shoes/uniforms to give to the Cambodian children here. But the challenge doesn't stop there! In true holiday spirit, a generous friend will be matching all funds donated on this page until December 31, 2014.
Bicycles and sports shoes. These are things that most of us grew up with and take for granted. For the Cambodian children, youth and families that M'Lop Tapang works with everyday, these are most often unaffordable luxuries.
Having a bike is great. For most of us it is just for fun or exercise, but for the children and families we work with it can mean much more - a way to get to school, to job training, or to work. We believe that sports are not only a chance for children and youth to have fun, but that organized sports can also be used to teach important life lessons such as respect, team work , and fair play. Having a good pair of sports shoes and a team uniform can encourage boys and girls to participate more
Helping to build health bodies and healthy minds. (any funds raised beyond our stated goal will go to general funds to support programs such as education and health care)