This project will provide financial and technical support for 750 small business affected by the Coronavirus pandemic so that they are able to re-start their business and be economically active again. The financial support will be used in order to purchase equipment, buy new inventories, re-hire laid-off workers, renovate commercial spaces, among others.
Thousands of small businesses closed-down as a result of lock-downs and community quarantines and the most affected are small entrepreneurs and their workers solely dependent for their livelihoods and daily sustenance from the incomes of their business and from the wage employment that the workers get. There is a need to slowly re-start businesses while community lock-downs and quarantines are being lifted and normalcy is returning albeit still with precautions being implemented.
We will provide much-needed capital in order for small entrepreneurs to be able to re-start and pump-prime their business while the situation is beginning to normalize as the preventive measures done by government and local citizens take positive impact. Re-starting the economy is of prime importance.
Well-being of communities assume paramount importance when the situation is beginning to normalize. Thanks to the concerted effort of local and national authorities and the citizenry, situation in a lot of places is beginning to normalize and the economic need especially for small businesses takes center stage.