This project will pilot a farmer-based climate mitigation solution via carbon farming and the promotion of community-based carbon farms. Small-scale farmers are one of the best drivers in climate mitigation by the practice of regenerative agriculture and promoting the practice via social media and physical farm visits. We will also partner with business so that they will be able to help this initiative.
Climate change is real and we can observe the impact on severe and frequent storms, flooding and the loss of lives and properties, massive displacement of people and hunger and malnutrition especially among the poor. Not only poor countries are affected but rich countries as well. Without our proactive intervention, we will all suffer and the need to mitigate changes in climate is imperative.
Carbon farming by small-scale farmers is our answer. Farmers in the Philippines are mostly small-scale and they are unaware of their central role in helping mitigate climate change. We will showcase and promote in their farms carbon farming by implementing regenerative agriculture. Some of the practices are, the growing of fruit and timber trees, crop-animal integration, nutrient and water recycling, cover cropping and green manuring and many others.
We want to contribute to climate mitigation measures via carbon farming as studies show that a hectare of carbon farms are able to sequester 25 tons carbon dioxide per year. In so doing poor, small-scale farmers are able to contribute in a meaningful way solution to climate change which is affecting us all.
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