Project Report
| Apr 19, 2021
More Books and Another Computer!
By Jan Tanis | Project Leader
![New Textbooks]()
New Textbooks
New books have arrived and another computer is installed in the E-Library. It is a marvelous resource that is growing all the time. The 618 students are able to use this unique facility. All the additions enhance the library that serves not only the students on campus but also the surrounding community.
Some of the new textbooks focus on the vocational courses at Bishop Comboni College Kambuga which began in 2020. This important aspect of education, sanctioned by the Ministry of Education as part of the "Skilling Uganda" initiative, is just another example of the diverse opportunities offered. The school is now qualified to be called "Comprehensive" and continues to show the way in education. Girls are as prevelent as boys on campus; equal opportunites for all who enter this wonderful insitution.
The school continues to expand the horizons of those who study here. The generous donors to this project are seeing the rewards of their kindness. Foundations for an independent, productive, life are the result of education. It is being made even better when the world helps it happen.
![Books to Enhance the Vocational Courses]()
Books to Enhance the Vocational Courses
![Another Computer]()
Another Computer
Dec 28, 2020
One computer at a time!
By Jan Tanis | Project Leader
![New Computer Arrives]()
New Computer Arrives
Bishop Comboni's E-Library is growing; one computer at a time. There has been progress while the Uganda schools were closed for Covid-19 beginning March 18th, 2020.
A new computer was purchased and installed. This brings the total number of computers to 11. When the school re-opened for the graduating Senior 4 class (O Levels) and the graduating Senior 6 class (A Levels) on October 15th, the resources had expanded. Operating under strict Covid-19 protocols, the school successfully brought back two classes of students who would have graduated in December 2020. They completed their interrupted term and will come back to a third term in January of 2021. Final exams will take place in March for O Levels and in April for A Levels. Life is almost back to normal for these two groups of students. The balance of the student body awaits official notification of the dates to return to school.
There was also progress in the building that houses the library. 2020 saw the completion of a project to repair the concrete of the exterior stairwell to the library and create a protective apron around the building. This work will insure the integrity of the foundation and stop deterioration of the concrete verandahs, etc. The library is safe for future generations. A wonderful asset on the campus of the best secondary school in the District.
Life can be good, if you look closely enough, even during a pandemic. Thank you to all who helped with these projects!
![Unpacking is the fun job of staff]()
Unpacking is the fun job of staff
Aug 31, 2020
A Positive Step during a Pandemic
By Jan Tanis | Project Leader
![Celebrating a job well-done!]()
Celebrating a job well-done!
How to use the time when students are not on campus? The question was easily answered with a win-win decision. Bishop Comboni had dedicated the top floor of a new classroom building to the use of the E-Library. The interior of the library is lovely (with terrazzo flooring) but the stairs and concrete work elsewhere in the building needed repair to the surfaces. Defective concrete was deteriorating fast!
The local laborers were in need of employment. The work to repair the concrete needed to be done while students were away. Bwindi Community Program raised funds to remedy the stairs and classroom flooring situations. When the students are able to return to campus, within the guidelines of WHO and the Ministry of Education requirements, the building will be ready and the stairs, classroom floors, etc. are durable now. The heads of the maintenance team that oversaw the work are celebrating in the photo!
The computers and books already acquired are waiting in the E-Library. The need for more computers and books continues. This facility will again be heavily used and appreciated. Thank you to all who have contributed to this amazing E-Library in rural Uganda; the first of its kind in the District. The 650 students, residents, and adjacent hospital are grateful.