Project Report
| Feb 3, 2023
The Beginning of Online Study
By Jan Tanis | Project Leader
![Receipt of the new Smartphones for study]()
Receipt of the new Smartphones for study
Bishop Comboni Secondary has mostly rural students who board during the school year. The importance of being able to continue to study during breaks is huge.
The long break of December and January, spanning the end of 2022 into 2023, is different this year. Students are blessed with the opportunity to study online; due to the kindness of the alumni who gave the school a website and the the diligence of the teachers who took advantage of the new means to teach over the holiday. Life is good now.
The photos show the enthusiastic response to the receipt of the phones. The students will take them home and follow the instructions they were given to access lessons and interact with instructors during those two months. The impact will be seen in February when students return and are eager to continue their studies. The teachers will not be faced with students whose brains were idle during the holiday. It is a wonderful situation about to unfold. Connecting the students to their school during the holiday is their best gift of the season!
![How to use the phones for Online Study]()
How to use the phones for Online Study
Oct 18, 2022
Celebration of a Vibrant Campus
By Jan Tanis | Project Leader
![The Cake Cutting Ceremony with the Founder]()
The Cake Cutting Ceremony with the Founder
Bishop Comboni's annual celebration of its growing campus and its founder took place on October 8th, 2022. The successful integration of the new vocational program into an outstanding school has made this an amazing year.
Inspired by the "Skilling Uganda" initiative, this dynamic program is a part of every student's life. Each student must choose one vocational course; Agriculture, Plumbing, Carpentry or any of the other courses offered. They pursue their academic subjects along with a vocational course for their first three years. At that time, the successful passage of an exam will provide them with a Certificate in their chosen field. They may opt for more training in that field or remain on campus to complete O Levels and A Levels.
This look at the trades has inspired some of the students to change their focus, even though they remain on an academic track. One example is a student who recently used this knowledge of trades to identify Civil Engineering as his goal. It is creating a balance of knowing how things work and wanting to be a larger part of the planning for making the world around them function well. Respect for all aspects of life is a wonderful lesson.
We congratulate Bishop Comboni for becoming an even greater school. It is more dynamic and vibrant because of this diversity.
![The Plumbing Students demonstrate their Skills]()
The Plumbing Students demonstrate their Skills
Jun 29, 2022
E-Library Hours Extended
By Jan Tanis | Project Leader
![This is the place to optimize your study hours.]()
This is the place to optimize your study hours.
The wonderful study space and research opportunities at the E-Library are now available for extended hours. Bishop Comboni has responded to the demand with more staffing and longer hours. Before and after classes, students can utilize this haven for peaceful, comfortable, immersion in their studies. Help is at hand. The challenge of making up for closures is being met very productively.
Even the balcony space is occupied. This opportunity is being utilized to the max. Kudos to the administration for making this happen. Kudos to the students for jumping in and making the most of every hour in the day!
![The E-Library extended hours.]()
The E-Library extended hours.
![The balcony desks are wonderful!]()
The balcony desks are wonderful!