Marginalized women in Hong Kong face social exclusion and deprived condition. This project aims to strengthen their organizational/leadership capacities, to enhance their self help ability and to improve their situation. The Campaign continues to support this project, giving them the opportunity to learn and to help other women
Marginalized women and girls, e.g. sex workers, new immigrants, single mothers, migrant workers, etc., suffer social exclusions, in which individuals and the entire communities, are declined of their rights, opportunities and resources that are normally available to people in society. They then gather together to form self-help groups. However most of these organizations are small and they lack the helping skills, and knowledge of resource mobilization for developing a sustainable organization
1. To strengthen the organizational capacities of self-help marginalized women's groups 2. To empower their capacity of self-help and helping their peers. 3. To increase society's awareness and support to the marginalized women's groups in Hong Kong
- 4 marginalized women self-help groups with 100 of them directly and 2,000 indirectly benefitted - Build up the capacity of the women to run the self help organization - Equip the women with skills on resource mobilization, both financial and non financial resources for greater sustainability. - Equip the women in using internet and communication skills for soliciting more support from the wider community.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).