Project Report
| May 2, 2018
Build School for 80 Students in Arid Kachuru Kenya
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
The Kachiuru primary pupils are now reporting back to school after April holiday to continue with their 2nd term activities. The area has received heavy rains despite the prolonged drought, they now have heavy rain and in some parts of the county floods and loss of properties has been experienced but in Kachiuru so far so good and we remain optimistic that they will not be affected by the heavy rains. Before they break for April holiday, they had prepared and planted their school garden and they now have a green garden with vegetables and other crops and soon they will be ready for consumption and especially vegetable which will supplement their lunch. We are happy that our well-wishers are still willing to support the feeding program in the school and they have also sent their contributions, thank you very much. The pupils are very excited to work on their school garden and they are learning a lot of skills and they can’t wait to harvest vegetables from the garden and enjoy them in their lunch. We hope the rains will continue to enable them do some simple water harvesting to push them during the dry period. Together with our well-wishers we will be constructing another classroom in the school to create room for more pupils and to improve the conducive learning environment and we hope that we will also fundraise for the desks and for this and other needs we invite our friends and well-wishers to continue supporting this school and the projects that we have in the school. We thank all those who have extended their support to the Kachiuru School and the community at large.
Feb 5, 2018
Build School for 80 Students in Arid Kachuru Kenya
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
The school term started in January 2018 when the pupils and teachers reported back ready for the year 2018, unfortunately they had a great loss in the first week when they opened the school. One of the school teachers passed away on 4th January 2018 when he reported to school as usual early in the morning when he was attacked by bees to death. The bees were in the school compound where they had been for a while, the pupils started shouting when the bees became violent and started attacking them and when the teacher came out of the staffroom to check why the pupils were shouting he was badly attacked and passed away before reaching the hospital. It was very sad for the whole Kachiuru community but otherwise they are slowly recovering from the loss and the bad incidence. Otherwise school program is going on well and the pupils have started well with most of them reporting after the December holiday. As earlier mentioned, 15 candidates did their final exams in October last year and all of them were admitted to secondary schools in January 2018. Although the performance was not very good, they all managed to go to secondary schools. We are happy that some of them were lucky to get scholarships from different well-wishers and now already in school. Together with our partners FKSW, we have managed to give annual scholarships to the most vulnerable children in the community. We have also managed to support feeding program in the school and we remain optimistic that we will get enough funds to continue supporting this noble initiative. We have also re-established school garden project to produce some vegetables to supplement the nutrition, although it is very dry at the moment, we hope the weather will improve in March & April. The pupils are currently preparing the garden ready for planting. We hope they will manage to do some crop watering as they are planning to do so before the rains come. The pupils are very determined and we wish them all. Thank you all for the continued support.
Nov 6, 2017
Build School for 80 Students in Arid Kachuru Kenya
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
We thank God for the successful school term and actually end of the year for our schools despite many challenges in many areas Kachiuru being one of the affected areas. It was an election year and so life has not been easy for many citizens especially the less privileged, vulnerable and those in very remote areas. We are happy we managed to have our feeding program in Kachiuru primary school throughout the year. This has been very successful initiative which attracted many children in the school and maintained them there thus benefiting with the education. This year Kachiuru has 15 students who will be sitting for their national exams as from 31st October 2017. This is good news as the school did not have enough students last year to sit for the exams thus forcing them to be registered in other schools for them to sit for their final national exams. We wish the 15 students luck in their forth coming exams and we are optimistic that they will perform well and secure vacancies in the best secondary schools. We are also happy to report that Kachiuru primary will benefit with another classroom which will be constructed during the November/December holiday and in January 2018 the classroom will be ready for use. The classroom construction has been funded by Wide Awake through our partners Friends of Kenya Schools and Wildlife (FKSW) and we take this opportunity to express our gratitude to everybody who has contributed towards the success of the Kachiuru community. With the contribution received though global giving community, we have been able to support the most vulnerable students in the Kachiuru primary school and we will continue supporting them and the whole school as we continue fundraising to be able to support all students in the school. We remain optimistic that we will have enough funds to continue supporting the feeding program in the school as well as providing scholarships to the most vulnerable children. We thank all the well-wishers for their kind support to the Kachiuru community and I encourage them to consider supporting them further