Project Report
| Nov 4, 2019
Buid School for 80 Students in Arid Kachuru Kenya
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
Kachiuru primary school progress has been good despite the many challenges in the course of the year. We are happy that they still managed at long last year and the school year has ended successfully. Third was quite short and not much could have been considering the grade 8 pupils were preparing for their end of year national exams which was completed last week. As earlier reported, it was expected that the school head teacher would resume duties after the motorbike accident last term. He reported back for third term and resumed his duties. Grade 8 pupils sat for their national exams last week and we are happy we managed to support the pupils and supervisors with the necessary support that they require during exams. For the pupils we supported them with exams materials like geometrical sets, clip boards and stationeries. For the supervisors we supported them with transport, meals and accommodation and we are optimistic the pupils will perform well and secure admissions in various secondary schools.
In the earlier reports there, were plans to organize fundraising event to raise funds for school desks and other learning materials but as earlier reported, parents were not in a position to raise funds as a result of low income mainly caused by prolonged drought in the region leaving them with very little for survival. The school management decided to put the event on hold until when the situation improves. We have not given up on this and we have continued fundraising on behalf of the Kachiuru and we appreciate the support given by the well-wishers as we continue requesting for more. The school is expected to increase next year therefore in need of more desks and learning materials to improve learning environment for the pupils. We will not get tired or give-up and we continue requesting our friends and well-wishers to consider supporting this project. Thank you for your continued support and we urge you not to get tired either and continue the journey with us. Thank you very much.
Aug 6, 2019
Buid School for 80 Students in Arid Kachuru Kenya
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
Our schools have closed for short August holiday. We are grateful the 2nd term has ended despite the many challenges that were there. Kachiuru school community had a good term but unfortunately the headteacher of Kachiuru primary had a motorcycle accident in the course of the term on his way to school and we thank God he survived. He escaped with injuries and he spent some weeks in the hospital where he was also operated on his knee. He is recovering well and we hope he will resume once the schools open towards the end of August. Despite all that the school progress has been good and as earlier reported a training on use of reusable sanitary towels was conducted. It has been reported that parents and girls in the school were very happy to receive the reusable sanitary towels and they also appreciated the training. Teachers have reported that they have noticed a great change with girls in their school attendance as well as performance and also the way they conduct themselves. It has been reported that absenteeism in girls has really reduced as they now feel full protected and comfortable during their periods. We have received end of term 2 results and we can confirm that there is good improvement for the girls. Thank you for the support.
As we had reported, the school still requires more desks and learning materials as well as uniforms and shoes for the students. The area has been very dry and parents have been struggling to provide basic needs for their families. There were plans by the school management to organize a fundraising event to raise funds for school desks and learning materials but they realized that the same parents who were to raise funds were very vulnerable and had nothing to contribute. The fundraising event was put on hold until situations improves. We therefore invite all our friends and well-wishers to be our guests of honor and help us raise more funds on this platform to help the Kachiuru community. We really appreciate the support given so far and the much we have achieved and request you to consider supporting us further. Thank you very much.
May 9, 2019
Buid School for 80 Students in Arid Kachuru Kenya
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
We appreciate the support given to Kachiuru primary school to improve the learning environment in the school. In our previous report, we requested support for the school desks and we really appreciate our good friends for generously contributing towards that. We managed to increase the number of desks by 20 last term which had a great impact especially in the new classroom which is now very useful to the school and Kachiuru community at large. On another note we are happy that the feeding program in the school is ongoing and helping a lot the pupils especially during this very difficult moments for many Kenyans and unfortunately arid and semi-arid areal like Kachiuru are even worse compared to others. Thank you for the great support given. Kachiuru school garden which has been the learning point for the pupils and parents have been affected badly by the prolonged drought and the simple irrigation system installed could not stand the harsh and prolonged dryness I post parts of the country. Like many areas in the country, it rained a bit and immediately the pupils and teachers started planting as they were optimistic that the rains would continue but that was not the case. They lost everything they had planted and they will be expected to start s fresh.
We have purchased 40 packs of reusable sanitary towels for the girls in Kachiuru school from grade 6 to grade 8 to ensure that they have this essential basic need which has been a stress to many school girls and their parents as they have been struggling to have them where any parents have not been in a position to buy them to their daughters due to low income. This has resulted to many girls to miss school during their periods as they feel unprotected. During the distribution girls will be taught on how to use and clean them as well as discussing hygiene issues, productive health adolescence and motivation talks to encourage them to work hard in school. Thank you for this support as we invite more well-wishers and friends to support Kachiuru school as there are very many challenges among them school uniforms and shoes for the pupils, teaching and learning materials as well as increasing the desk as they still need more to improve learning environment. Thank you for the great support given and we request for more to help our kids in schools who are facing many challenges even at very tender age.