Netword for Ecofarming in Africa (NECOFA) plans to build two classrooms and teachers’ offices to provide a favorable learning environment for 80 vulnerable students of Kachuru School in harsh, poverty stricken Isiolo district, Kenya.
Inadequate learning facilities contribute to low school enrollment and low literacy levels among poor pastoral communities in the remote Isiolo district, Kenya. Out of school, girls fall victim to early marriages while boys easily join cattle rustling and other social vices. By expanding learning facilities in Kachuru School, NECOFA will enable pupils to exploit their academic potential and prepare them for positive livelihoods that will liberate them and their society from poverty
We hope to construct two new classrooms, a teachers' office and sotrage areah. Guttering for roof water harvesting, 40 desks and various learning materials are also needed
The project will enable 80 students every year to access education, enabling them to tap into their full potential, rise out of poverty, and improve living standards for their families.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Excel file (projdoc.xls).