The Konkourona Alliance Foundation (KAFO), Inc and Mami Siara Na Association of Konkourona will build a Primary Health Center for a rural community of approximately 4000 people in Burkina Faso with no current access to healthcare.
Burkina Faso is the fifth poorest country in the world with among the highest maternal and child mortality rates. Konkourona, a remote village, has compounding factors further impacting mortality rates, such as, lack of access to basic health services, no Health Center within walking distance, and no pharmacy.
The availability of a Health Center within the village will dramatically improve the community's access to basic health services. Mortality rates could be reduced with improved access to basic healthcare services, including: the prevention and treatment of malaria, vaccination, diarrheal disease prevention measures, treatment of upper respiratory infections, pre-natal, delivery and post-natal care.
Improved access to healthcare will reduce the burden of disease, which will improve the quality of the lives of approximately 4000 people living in Konkourona, especially women and children. This will open the door to improved productivity and reduction of poverty.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).