Being El Salvador is the smallest country of Central America; Its population is very dense. A total of 6,220,397 people, 3,268,766 of these are women; mainly single mothers -The percentage of breast cancer patients has increased amongst younger women in recent years. It is the second cause of death in women nationwide. -Salvadoran women are especially vulnerable regarding breast cancer. Women do not have access to breast examination in the public health sector.
The structure of the public health system of El Salvador, is not oriented to carrying early detection of breast cancer exams out -Salvadoran women are left to their own means if they want to detect any abnormality in early stages. This is very challenging as most women receive an average daily income of $5.00. The majority of them are single mothers.
Being able to carry out educational and medical campaigns focused on the importance of early breast cancer detection creates the desired awareness in amongst the population - We provide women living in remote rural areas with an ultrasound exam and gynecological consultation -If any benign pathology or malignant tumor is detected we follow up and make sure patients get the necessary treatment - We donate chemotherapy treatments as well as immunohistochemistry kits to underprivileged patients
Early detection of breast cancer ensures that thousands of lives can be saved; thus, preventing family group disintegration and guaranteeing a better life for children and elderly family members. As a third world country, the public health system in El Salvador is outnumbered. There are not enough medications to treat patients in public hospitals - The saving of public funds that may be destined to providing a better gynecological service would be very beneficial to the country.
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