Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future

by Auroville Foundation: Fundraising Consultancy for Auroville Projects
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Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future
Auroville - Empower a regenerative Future


Auroville is a leader in evolutionary regenerative design; a project with 3200 people from 60 countries dedicating their lives to the future of humanity. Integrating conscious living, sustainability, alternative energy; acting as a green demo site and training center for 54 years, it's a unique place for progress and creating change locally, regionally and internationally. Although endorsed by UNESCO, PM`s, Presidents of India and the Dalai Lama, Auroville's potential is severely under threat.

total goal
monthly donors


Do you want to help create exponential impact towards a more sustainable, peaceful world? Our land preservation project is incomplete and posing a critical risk to the social and environmental technologies we are developing. Time is running out for Auroville to purchase critical pieces of surrounding land to maintain social, economic, and ecological balance and prepare for future growth. Preserving the environment we empower our culture and support vital projects in India and globally.


At Auroville, city planners, artists, designers, social experimenters, environmentalists, and global citizens join to create actionable vision for humanity's future. Your donation helps us to protect the watershed, sustain organic farming, preserve land for reforestation and block commercial development. With your help we address food security, water conservation, waste treatment practices,and deep ecology issues critical to the next 50 years of sustainable development and conscious evolution.

Long-Term Impact

The world needs a place where integral system thinking balances priorities in service to economy, society, and nature and where a bottom-up, self-initiative, entrepreneurial approach prioritizes service to community and the common good over service to self. Land needs are at a critical tipping point. Without vital purchases, we risk water and food insecurity, and commercialization that harms the environment and the community. Land preserved, we safely pursue our mission to create a better world.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Project Leader:
Sigrid Lindemann
Auroville , Tamil Nadu India
$290 raised of $350,000 goal
6 donations
$349,710 to go
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