Ask The Paediatricians Foundation promotes good health and well-being of indigent children in Nigeria through our periodic community medical outreaches. We do two main outreaches annually targeted at indigent children in under-served communities throughout the country with no regular access to healthcare services. The Outreaches feature health talks, mass deworming, nutritional assessments, healthy lunch-packs, free medical & dental consultations, basic lab tests, essential drugs and clothes.
There are lot of children in rural and indigent communities in Nigeria who lack access to good health and health-care facilities for various reasons ranging from geographical access, poverty and ignorance. This is one of the main contributors to the high child mortality figures in Nigeria. Majority of children who die below the age of 5 years are those living in these under-served communities.
Ask The Paediatrician Foundation does community medical outreaches that involve health education, feeding the children one nutritious meal to demonstrate good nutrition, free medical and dental consultations including simple procedures, mass deworming, nutritional assessment, immunisation status assessment and prompt referrals to hospitals where necessary. We do health promotion during our outreaches to inform and educate the communities on how to reduce preventable deaths of children in Nigeria
The ATP outreaches will empower carers of children who become well-informed about child health promoting activities and behaviour such as immunisations, breastfeeding and prompt care seeking. The Project activities such as health education, nutrition assessment and counselling, diagnosis, essential drugs and referrals will contribute to good health and better child survival in the communities reached. This on the long run will lead to gradual significant fall of child mortality rates in Nigeria.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).