Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities

by Global Health Connections
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Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities
Adopt to Empower: Transforming Kenyan Communities


By helping to "adopt" a village in western Kenya, you will participate in transforming a rural community through innovative health initiatives and economic sustainability programs. At Global Health Connections (GHC), we use our Community Health and Empowerment Club (CHEC) approach, to connect communities with resources and training to improve health, create jobs, and foster economic growth, leading to a self-sustaining and thriving community.

total goal
monthly donors


Many villages in western Kenya have limited knowledge on how to improve their health and economic conditions. Generation after generation, they suffer from poor health and lack the means to improve their situation. Furthermore, they remain trapped in these conditions due to a lack of education, health awareness, and the necessary experience to generate sufficient revenue and capital to break free.


This project adopts a holistic approach, emphasizing the enhancement of knowledge necessary to improve both health and economic conditions. It provides the skills necessary for generating sustainable income, thereby permanently improving the villagers' status. GHC integrates both health and economic aspects to ensure comprehensive problem-solving. By addressing the interconnectedness of health and economic well-being, we create a sustainable foundation that supports lasting improvements.

Long-Term Impact

A distinctive and compelling feature of GHC's Community Health and Empowerment Clubs (CHECs) is their inherent ability to sustain themselves over time. When members experience the benefits of improvements in their communities, they are highly motivated to continue these efforts independently. GHC employs a unique and comprehensive model. All materials/equipment remain within the community, the acquired knowledge endures, and sustainable governance is put into place for long-term success.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Global Health Connections

Location: Englewood, CO - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Faith Mageto
Kisii , Kenya
$20 raised of $10,000 goal
1 donations
$9,980 to go
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Pay Bill: 891300
Account: GG66070

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