We know there is a lot of information about all the great ways you can benefit from being a part of the GlobalGiving community, so we have some easy ways to keep you informed!
Join the community space via this link and connect with fellow GlobalGiving partners! The purpose of this space is for you to talk to each other and benefit from each other’s collective wisdom and connections to relevant funding and learning opportunities.
Visit Learn on the GlobalGiving website to read about best practices in online fundraising and get free tips, tools, and resources on topics that matter to nonprofit leaders around the globe. You’ll find crowdfunding success stories from your peers, summaries of our studies on nonprofit effectiveness, short webinars, and more. Explore Learn now.
Once a month we email our Partner Newsletter with updates on things happening that month on GlobalGiving. If you are not receiving these newsletters, make sure to contact us so we can get you subscribed!
Let’s meet! GlobalGiving’s virtual partner visits are an opportunity for connection. The visits, typically conducted over Zoom, are designed to be conversational, casual exchanges between GlobalGiving staff and nonprofit partner staff with the following goals:
If you'd like to participate in a virtual partner visit, please fill out this interest form here.
All of us at GlobalGiving are here to support you in any way we can. We are available via email, so make sure to reach out! We welcome you to the GlobalGiving community and are excited to share this journey with you.