Transitioning 250 Boys 2 Young Men!

A microproject by Keep The Dream196
Transitioning 250 Boys 2 Young Men!
Transitioning 250 Boys 2 Young Men!
Transitioning 250 Boys 2 Young Men!
Transitioning 250 Boys 2 Young Men!


We are experiencing a disaster within homes in South Africa!! Gender Based Violence affects 1:4 women in South Africa. Gender Based Violence is pandemic! We need your help to train 250 young males to become caring, loving, men and fathers of the future! WE have the solution; our training takes males on a journey of discovery to understand WHAT IS A REAL MAN? How does a real man behave? As a sub portion of our Life Skills Project, monitoring and follow up will ensure inculcation of new values

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Gender Based Violence is pandemic within the homes of South Africa, 1:4 Women are abused and this abuse overflows to the children. We want to stop the cycle of abuse perpetrated by men on women by starting with young males under 18yrs. The lack of fathers in the home and therefor a lack of understanding of what is a real man leads to the adoption of local role models ie rappers, gangsters as idols and symbols of masculinity. We need to challenge this belief urgently.


We want to stop the cycle of Abuse. By starting with 250 young men, in our project, we will use our tested formal training BOYS2MEN to unpack masculinity and "Maleness" in today's society. We will have 10camps x 25men over the next 12months camping for 3days and challenge them physically, mentally and spiritually (ie What is purpose in life? Who are you? How do you want to be remembered by your children?). We need to change ideas, beliefs and values! We need your HELP!

Long-Term Impact

Reverse Gender Based Violence, develop children holistically and abuse free, to have a society which is caring, loving and resilient. In 21yrs we have worked with an excess of 30,000 children. Teenage pregnancy has reduced from 13%provincially to 0.07% amongst our programs. Matric Pass rate of 93% governments pass rate is 64%. The children have hope for a future and the skills to realize their dreams. We are changing South Africa - one child at a time!


Organization Information

Keep The Dream196

Location: Tzaneen, Limpopo - South Africa
Project Leader:
Louise Batty
Tzaneen , Limpopo South Africa
$20 raised of $10,000 goal
1 donations
44 days left
$9,980 to go
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