Students' Small Mushroom Growing Venture

A microproject by Population and Community Development Association (PDA)
Students' Small Mushroom Growing Venture


A pair of students will be trained to undertake oyster mushroom cultivation using modern techniques. The students will grow mushrooms in 7 tents, each containing 500 bags of spores. Some of the profits will be reinvested, some used for charitable activities, some for savings for their future education expenses, and the remainder for daily expenses. The success of the venture will be evidence of sustainability, for future funding or loans and prevent any migration to the cities.

total raised
monthly donors


There are many poor students from subsistence farming families who are forced to migrate to urban areas after leaving school due to their family's inadequate agricultural skills and business opportunities. This mushroom cultivation program will provide skills to students and youth and generate an attractive income, thereby preventing migration as they leave school.


This project will train students and youth in proven, small-scale agriculture, using minimal space to raise income and participate in sharing with vulnerable people. Additional income generating activities will be added as their knowledge expands. Profits will be used for: 1) reinvestment to ensure sustainability 2) savings for future (tertiary) education 3) charitable contributions 4) student daily expenses.

Long-Term Impact

Success of the enterprise will be used as evidence to obtain additional funding for expansion of farming activities. Sufficient funds will be available for sustainable reinvestment, students will acquire savings for future education, funds for charitable contributions, and will have money to cover their daily expenses and move towards financial independence.


Organization Information

Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

Location: Bangkok - Thailand
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @mechaiv
Project Leader:
Mechai Viravaidya
Bangkok , Thailand

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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