Joseph is in his 2nd year in a University in Uganda, he hails from a poor family, he wants to become self employed after school.He bakes bricks for tuition, the University needs payment as soon as possible. This funding will pay tuition for him this semester. Globalgiving donors have supported Joseph pay his tuition during his first semester
Joseph grew up in a poor family, with a dream to become an employer, he has been baking bricks for his studies, heavy rains plus hail stones destroyed some crops he had grown to enable him pay tuition in a University, and yet even making and baking bricks will cost him three months, that means he has to miss classes and wont be able to meet the deadline, this funds will enable him pay tuition for this semester as he re organizes himself
This micro project will pay his tuition this semester, as he recovers from a terrible loss caused by heavy rains in his area that left him with nothing to start with. He will be able to attend classes regularly and complete his course works in time. Majority of youth in Joseph's village have not been able to continue with education due to financial constraints, Joseph is one among the very few that will be a successful youth in his village
Your sponsorship commitment will support Joseph, he will continue attending school. Your commitment will enable him and family to experience the love of God and live a satisfactory life.