This project will buy 15 pairs of leather shoes and school back pack bags to 15 children, these children had shoes but are worn out therefore can not serve another year of education to them. The new shoes would enable them maintain good hygiene since they do not need to go to school, visit the school latrines and urinals on bare foot
Currently the project is facing a challenge of treating children due to rapid spread of diseases affecting feet, most of the kids go bare foot to the latrines, most of these school latrines are dirty so they have to step on urine and other dirty stuff in there, these new shoes will enable them keep healthy both at home and in school.Over 100 children face the same challenge in our community.
Children will be bought new pairs of original leather shoes to enable them continue their education and enable them have better and healthy lives, this will reduce spread of illnesses and diseases caused by germs contracted from the latrines and on the ground. The project will also buy 15 school back bags to enable kids keep their books safe
Children will be able to put on their shoes while going to school, in return this will significantly reduce disease out breaks and cracking of their feet due to poor hygiene caused by stepping on the ground.