This project will send medical equipment to the most rural and poor health units in Malawi, Tanzania and Sierra Leone. This includes dental chairs, blood pressure monitors, surgical supplies, Theatre equipment, test strips, wheelchairs, sterilisation equipment and nurse uniforms. We aim to fulfill requests by every partner health unit (approximately 80).
Currently over 80 health units partnered with Inter Care are suffering from a lack of medical resources to provide the best treatment and care for their patients. Our partner health units are in rural and poor areas and only a handful have programmes supported by government. All health units are mission-based and sourcing medical equipment is difficult for them due to financial constraints and/or availablity of quality supplies. This is a large scale issue that we wish to resolve.
We can fulfill requests of medical supplies by sending surplus equipment from the UK to our partners, or purchase them good-quality equipment via an NGO warehouse in-country. This includes dental chairs, ophthalmic equipment, testing strips, theatre equipment, surgical supplies and nurse uniforms. This aid can help prevent the spread of infection, enable correct diagnosis to patients and provide the best care and treatment for the vulnerable communities they serve.
Since the charity was established in 1974, 18.7 million worth of aid has been sent to mission-based health units in sub-Saharan Africa. Last year, Inter Care sent medicines for up to 76,400 patient treatments! By supporting our project, you are helping to reduce UK medical waste and deaths across Africa. For every $127 we receive through this project, Inter Care can send a complete set of diagnostic equipment for a hospital ward in Africa.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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