Help Sponsor A Family For The Holidays

A microproject by Pathways to Safety International
Help Sponsor A Family For The Holidays


We have several families we have assisted throughout 2014 that arrived to the USA homeless and penniless. They are safe but don't have money to have a nice holiday meal or buy presents for their children. With this microproject we will provide three families with $200 each worth of food and presents for their children, and even a present for the mom.

total raised
monthly donors


When battered American mothers flee home to the USA with their children they have no income, often live in shelters and on welfare until they are able to get back on their feet. They barely survive for months or even years if they have had to pay an attorney to help them keep their children safe. They often feel guilty that they don't have the means to provide their children with presents or a holiday meal. This project will provide a truly meaningful holiday for three families.


Three families will receive $200 worth of food and presents this holiday season.

Long-Term Impact

The project serves 500 women per year empowering them to find alternatives to a life of violence so their children grow up in violence free homes with their self-esteem in tact with the hope of stopping the cycle of violence in future generations.


Organization Information

Pathways to Safety International

Location: Portland, OR - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Paula Lucas
Portland , OR United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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