To share who we are and not just what we have
Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:
By Obora Dalmas Odedo | WOW Supervisor
During September the WOW 7 group, having completed their 6 months of Phase 1 now moved to Phase 2. This involves training, apprenticeships, business or work. Two are training as Motor Bike Mechanics,... Read the full report ›By Tim Flynn | AMV, Coordinator
This month our new World of Work (WOW) 8 cohort begin their six month daily course at our Edwina Gateley compound in Milimani, Kitale. Denis and Emmanuel (former WOW 5) both carried out Organic... Read the full report ›By Tim Flynn | AMV, Coordinator
After 6 months with the first phase of the programme the WOW 7's time has come to an end at Edwina Gateley House. Now is their time to move on to the actual external world of work as they begin... Read the full report ›