URGENT NEED for FLOODING VICTIMS in VALENCIA SPAIN Transport children with disabilities in Cameroon Help the Mulu Maternity Center in Ethiopia Cooking

Mensajeros de la Paz Spain

Org #66148
Vetted since 2019 Top Ranked Staff Favorite
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


The main objective of the ASOCIACIÓN MENSAJEROS DE LA PAZ is the care, attention, support, rehabilitation, treatment for human and social promotion of the most disadvantaged and needy groups in Spain and in several countries all over the world in order to promote their full integration: minors, young people living under social risk conditions, abused women, physical and psychical handicapped people, drug addicts, and old people who live alone, in abandon or poverty conditions.

Project Leaders
Paula Lemos
Paula Lemos
Paula Lemos, Debora Gutierrez
Organization Information
Plaza General Vara de Rey, 9
Madrid, 28005
+34 913643940
Organization Information
Plaza General Vara de Rey, 9
Madrid, 28005
+34 913643940

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

End of the year activities

By Gabriela | Volunteer

During the last quarter, in mid-October and late November, we had the departure of two of the Ukrainian women who lived in the home. After almost two years (since they arrived after the war), both... Read the full report ›

Our impact in 2024

By Carolina | Volunteer

Dear friends, During 2024 Messengers of Peace (MOP) - Jordan managed to operate different programs; two are humanitarian which are Cash for Protection and Non-Food Assistance programs and others focus... Read the full report ›

Starting 2025

By Gabriela | Volunteer

Dear Friends, We hope you’re having a wonderful start to the new year.  This past December was different in Valencia. Christmas felt very different. The streets smelt of mud. Nevertheless,... Read the full report ›
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