You Are Hearts Of Gold!

by Fundacion Hearts of Gold
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!
You Are Hearts Of Gold!


Hearts of Gold has over 10 years of service under our belts. We promote the skills and capacities of women, children, teenagers and individuals in vulnerable situations, and non for profit organizations through empowerment and continuous training, ensuring their integral development, promoting social inclusion and equal opportunities.

total goal
monthly donors


Under normal circumstances, 75% of nonprofit organizations in Ecuador close their doors in the first three years of operation due to lack of financial resources. Also our direct beneficiaries are not able to find a reliable and stable job . These organizations and families struggle everyday to survive. We are currently working with 7 partner foundations and over 200 direct beneficiaries.


With your assistance, Hearts of Gold can weather the economic crisis we are facing. Together, we can ensure that our partner organizations and direct beneficiaries continue to receive the support they need. With your help, these organizations and families can continue to educate themselves and have access to job opportunities .

Long-Term Impact

By keeping Hearts of Gold open, you are helping our 7 partner organizations continue to receive the services they rely on. You are also helping 200 families feel empowered, educated and find a job that will give their children a safe future and education. With your support we will continue covering the needs of our partner foundations and families. These individuals can transition out of this program once they find a job and we can work with new families in need.


Organization Information

Fundacion Hearts of Gold

Location: Cuenca - Ecuador
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Hearts_Of_Gold
Project Leader:
Maria Jose Orellana
Cuenca , Ecuador

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