SANTI Child Care Center is a project to support an orphan or a children in need. SANTI provides home, food, clothing, medical treatment and education to the needy children. SANTI will provide them full support till they are grown up and self sufficient. A complete support to a child, never thought of, an ambitious work - SANTI will nurture them, as parents do to their own children.
These children belong to poorest and the most underprivileged segment of the society. They lack basic necessities such as food, home, medicine and some of them have even lost both of their parents. It is difficult for these children to join school when basic necessities are not fulfilled. On a later stage without formal education, they work as a laborer and again become the part of the poor society and the cycle continues. These children sometimes end up begging on the street.
In past, donors have adopted children through SANTI. Each donor adopts a child and supports them on a monthly basis. From this money, SANTI has established the Child Care Center, currently providing home to a 25 children. By this initiative, you will either support monthly by adopting a child or provide one time donation to the orphanage helping expenses such as medical treatment, books, home rent, teacher salary etc.
These children will live in SANTI child care center for 10-15 years based on case to case. SANTI will grow a child to stand on their own feet, a vision to provide complete care. SANTI will help them at least till 10th grade. Based on student's performance higher education may be provided. Otherwise, SANTI will provide vocational training to the child. Through this we will be able to eliminate poverty from a region.
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