Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund

by Plan International USA
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund
Help fight child marriage - WHOLE Girl Fund


Like Bertha from Malawi, every three seconds, a girl somewhere in the world is married off. Child marriage not only destroys girls' futures, but it's also extremely dangerous for their health. Complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death for girls ages 15-19. Your gift to Plan USA's WHOLE Girl Fund will support a portfolio of projects that tackle the root causes of the oppression and inequality of girls, including fighting child marriage.

total goal
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Girls in developing countries face overwhelming odds from the moment they are born. Because she is a girl, she's more likely to suffer from malnutrition, be forced into an early marriage, be subjected to violence, be sold into the sex trade, or become infected with HIV. Because she is a girl, she faces discrimination in her own home. Because she is a girl, she'll have limited access to a doctor or even a primary education (if she's able to go to school at all). But we're here to change all that.


Through our sustainable development projects, Plan International USA reaches out to the most marginalized and vulnerable populations of girls around the world, rigorously measuring our impact every step of the way. However, it's not just a girl thing. We actively and strategically engage men and boys to take an active role in all of our initiatives because change can't happen without the support of the entire community.

Long-Term Impact

Experience and research consistently show that improving the lives of girls also lifts the condition of their families and their communities. Quite simply, investing in girls is the key to breaking the cycle of global poverty. Girls can change the world. But they can't do it without support.


Organization Information

Plan International USA

Location: Providence, RI - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @PlanUSA
Project Leader:
Grace Kendall
Providence , RI United States
$34,104 raised of $100,000 goal
722 donations
$65,896 to go
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