This project will help the handicapped persons who are living in slums in Trivandrum district, Kerala state. These persons are physically challenged and face poverty and other financial issues. So we are planning to provide wheelchairs and tricycles for these people to do their daily wants and needs. And they can earn income through doing jobs like lottery ticket selling or other small-scale jobs. It will help them to improve their standard of living and stand independently.
At Trivandrum Dist. lot of handicapped persons suffering from financial issues and lack of decent living conditions. One of the major problems is unemployment and poverty. So most of these people want to go to jobs but they do not have the circumstance.
This project will provide wheelchairs or tricycles for them. So they can go everywhere and also they can earn income by doing small scale business like lottery selling etc.
In time, the wheelchairs and tricycles provided will help the person have a stable income and this in turn would have a positive impact on the economic condition of the whole family, thereby giving an opportunity for them to become the breadwinner. This would help them be self sufficient and do the daily activities like brushing, eating, mobility, etc, without help. We can also extend this help to other poor handicapped people living at different places and slums in the Trivandrum district.