Project Report
| Feb 18, 2020
WCC football project
By Bernice Langley | WCC football project
World Changing Centre football project will continue during school activities.. The community school is actively running football for children and youths.We are still raising funds because of the budget and your contribution will continue to make a big difference. Our team and volunteers are also working hard to access information by involving the community youths volunteers. At the moment we are trying to construct water well in this community to help with the building constructions. Our teustee team will also be visiting Sierra Leone mid 2020 to start the ground work and WCC will continue to send project report every three months.
Thanks for being part of WCC possibilities
Nov 19, 2019
WCC football project
By Bernice langley | WCC Foootall project
![WCC football project]()
WCC football project
WCC aims to give marginalised and frequently criminalised street kids greater protection and better opportunities. Some argue that sport is not simply a development tool – a means to other ends – but should rather be seen as a development goal in its own right. Children, for example, need opportunities to play sport because having recreational time is a fundamental part of growing up.
“Football for all” creates avenues for healthy living and active lifestyles. This preventative health approach will help to improve the health status of the communities. It provides sporting activities as an alternative to anti-social behaviour. Football for all will target groups and areas, where there is a recurring pattern of crime and violence to preach peace in the name of football.
![WCC Football project]()
WCC Football project
![WCC football project]()
WCC football project
Aug 21, 2019
WCC football project(Sierra Leone)
By Bernice Langley | WCC football project(Sierra Leone)
This project is geared towards meeting the urgent educational need in Sierra Leone for football. WCC believe that maximising the learning experience of the children will necessitate the provision of the complete health infrastructure. We aim to improve the quality of life of children and young people by providing various educational opportunities to advance their economic prospects.Football for all will target groups and areas, where there is a recurring pattern of crime and violence to preach peace in the name of football.Football activities can be used to bring communities back together, contributing to the re-building of trust, decrease crime and violence free for reconciliation and re-integration within communities. Football activities can be used to bring communities together contributing to the re-building of trust, decrease crime and violence for reconciliation and re-integration of communities. Football activities are specially held for Ebola survivors or those affected by the impacts of Ebola.