Many parts of Uganda suffer from the problem of clean and safe water. Even where wells exist, they don't have enough/clean and safe water for the communities. These communities could utilize the rainwater, but they can't afford to build water tanks. It is made worse with a lack of proper toilet facilities. Children spend most of their time fetching water for families. This project will ensure that water tanks/wells are constructed/maintained and water filters distributed and toilet constructed.
There is a lack of safe and clean water in communities where children on the AHCM sponsorship program are. This causes many to be sick and also deprives the children their write to play, rest enough or even attend school since they spend most time fetching water as the burden lies entirely on them. Therefore AHCM feels there is a need to address this problem.
If water tanks are constructed, water filters provided, toilets established where they don't exist and spring wells are maintained, then there will be clean and safe water for the communities but at the same time give children the freedom to be children and attend school. In general water and sanitation will have improved in households and schools making it easier for children to concentrate on their education.
Clean & Safe water Healthy people Educated community
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).