We have been working for the vocational training of disabled since 2001 and target community type is harizan basti. Your support will help in providing vocational training to 50 adults with disability. This will help them to live their life with dignity and engage themselves within the community.
The adult with disabilities are unable to complete their secondary education due to which they are not able to become economically independent. They are always considered as a burden of their respective families. The condition becomes more worse when the disability is intellectual disability. The project will impact around 50 adults with disability in getting vocational training like stationary and woodcraft material.
RMKM will train the adults with disability in various vocational trades like stationary, woodcraft, textiles in shelter workshop at our campus. This will enhance their skills and make them proficient in a trade which the disabled adult can take as a livelihood option in future.
Once the adult with disability gets skilled and they becomes productive human resource for the community and nation then the family and community will not consider them burden and they will not live with pity.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).