Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!

by Asociacion Provida de Venezuela - Provive
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Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!
Empower 2,000 more Venezuelan Children to Succeed!


The excellent results achieved by 4,000 students of a very troubled area of central Venezuela with the 'Alive to the World' character and life skills program last year, allow us to extend the program to 2,000 new students! ** Los excelentes resultados obtenidos con el programa de formacion de caracter y destrezas para la vida 'Aprendiendo a Querer' entre 4,000 alumnos de una zona muy conflictiva del centro de Venezuela, nos inspiran y obligan a extenderlo a 2,000 alumnos mas!

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Venezuela is suffering a crisis at all levels because of the loss of human and civic values, blighting children's development. Their inborn desire to excel is confused by negative models, resulting in gangs, pregnancies, and rising poverty ** Venezuela sufre una crisis a todo nivel por la perdida de valores humanos y civicos, danando el desarrollo de los ninos. Modelos negativos confunden su deseo innato de ser buenos, y caen en embarazos, bandas delictivas, causando el ciclo vicioso de pobreza


Alive to the World is effective involving students in a riveting story giving insight and options for the dilemmas in their lives. They learn life skills and envisage a life of true love and integrity, motivating positive citizenship ** Aprendiendo a Querer involucra a los estudiantes en una historia cercana que les permite comprender las opciones frente a los dilemas de su vida. Los educa en las habilidades para una vida de integridad, y los motiva y capacita para ser ciudadanos ejemplares

Long-Term Impact

More and more students prepared to be agents of change, educated in values, emotional intelligence, analytical thinking and the skills to pursue a realistic life plan, will be local leaders inspiring the reconstruction of Venezuelan society **Mas y mas estudiantes formados para ser agentes de cambio, con educacion en valores, pensamiento analitico, inteligencia emocional y habilidades para una vida exitosa, seran lideres locales de su generacion, promoviendo la reconstruccion social de Venezuela


Organization Information

Asociacion Provida de Venezuela - Provive

Location: West Pam Beach, Florida - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Marian Olavarria
West Palm Beach , Florida United States

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