Cotton Tree News (CTN) provides professional daily news and information to all Sierra Leoneans while training student journalists at renovated broadcasting studios at the University of Sierra Leone.
Since it went on air in 2007 to accompany national elections, CTN has struck a chord with Sierra Leoneans nationwide. The CTN project has provided on-going reliable coverage of issues relating to justice, education, human rights, rural development, health, gender-based violence and agriculture, among many others. CTN has bridged the information gap between Freetown and the provinces, giving people access to the information they need. At the same time, the CTN project trains student journalists.
A major survey of over 2,000 people carried out in March 2010 shows that over 70% of CTN listeners said that its programmes had made a particular impact in the areas of health and human rights.
CTN promotes democracy and good governance by contributing to improved professionalism of media in Sierra Leone. CTN aims to create a new breed of Sierra Leonean journalists and media practitioners.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).