Brutal conflict in Ukraine has sent more than 3 million people on a desperate race to escape. Homes and infrastructure have been destroyed. Families have been separated. Lives have been lost. Our partners are working in Przemysl (Southern Poland) to meet the immediate needs of these refugees - providing support such as food, bedding and temporary accommodation in reception centers at the border.
Rapidly escalating conflict in Ukraine is causing a humanitarian catastrophe; massive movement of people fleeing to neighboring countries; mainly women and children. According to UN, 10 million people have fled from Ukraine; of those, almost 3.4 million, mostly women and children, have sought refuge in Poland.
1.Providing refugees fleeing from the conflict with essential items like blankets, dignity kits, and emergency shelter according to their needs. (including access to cash transfers and support of host families) 2. Initial health screenings at border points, psychosocial support, and assistance to clinics including provision medical supplies, and medical equipment where necessary. 3. Facilitating humanitarian access and support families in under served and hard-to-reach locations.
We are prioritizing support of reception centers and warehouses at the borders. For the next 10 months or longer period of time, we will provide urgent Humanitarian Aid for refugees and accompany them to rebuild life afterwards. It is anticipated to serve 158,000 refugees in both Ukraine and Poland.