Buys 3 sustainable sanitary packs for girls and women learning about menstrual health. They contain reusable sanitary pads, soap, airtight storage bags and instructions on how to make your own pads.
Provides a group of 5 men and women with a training delivered by a community volunteer about sexual reproductive health and rights. Challenging taboos, raising awareness, providing information
Provides one teacher with a 2 day workshop on delivering a Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights programme in their school.
Provides a vulnerable adolescent with a 3 day business course including modules on business basics, planning, banking and microfinance, project management, marketing and preparing a business plan.
Provides a 5 day Alternative Rite of Passage course for 10 girls saying NO to FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) and YES to equal rights, opportunities and freedom to choose their own future.
Cost of a training workshop for 15 community volunteers to become ambassadors for Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights in their community, sharing information and making space for discussion
Will provide 1 group of 10 adolescents with resources to set up their own income generating project e.g. bee-keeping, poultry rearing, farming, tailoring following their business training