Education  India Project #36461

Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools

by Arunachalam Jesudasan Trust
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools
Transformative Art Education in Madurai schools


This project shall spearhead a multi-disciplinary-art education in Madurai schools targeting 750-1000 students. It introduces the internet as a new media for artists and creators. They explore its global reach, complexity, and evolving ethics. AJ Trust has designed a transformative curriculum in conjunction with artists and scholars across cultures. This program is for all school teachers and students. They are given space to think, express, and act clearly, critically, and collaboratively.

total raised
monthly donors


Madurai schools teach little or no art education. Every year, 90% of high-school graduates walk out with a diploma in Science, Mathematics, Technology, and Engineering. Scarce resources, and unfair student-teacher-ratio prevent building a holistic curriculum. Absence of an arts curriculum creates a deficit in learning, critical thinking, sense of freedom, political participation, and lowers employment opportunity. This affects young people's political participation and distributive justice.


AJ Trust equips 750-1000 Madurai young adults with a holistic art education, to improve their communication, team-building, critical thinking, and social skills. All art modules and productions focus on exposure to global and local themes. They learn to use and review the internet as a medium and resource. This opens doors for young people to pursue an expressive culture, and diversify their employment opportunities. This shall be a modular program to be implemented in all districts.

Long-Term Impact

Knowing is growing. This project aims at embracing the underprivileged; removing the dichotomy in school education and learning; enabling self-discovery; and tapping into different artistic potentials. Critical and pro-social thinking and action form the core of this program. This would help learners gain a holistic approach to life. They are self-actualized, cohesive, and better participants in a harmonious and meaningful democracy. The processes evolve, transform, and empower simultaneously.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Organization Information

Arunachalam Jesudasan Trust

Location: Madurai - India
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @No
Arunachalam Jesudasan Trust
Vidya V A
Project Leader:
Vidya V A
Madurai , Tamil Nadu India

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