The project will construct a central hub that will serve as a vital resource for ten underserved rural villages in Kenya (HomaBay County). This project aims to establish a physical space where youth can access essential services like Library, Computer Centre and a Safe Space. By constructing a community center, the initiative seeks to foster unity, empower youth, and facilitate socio-economic development within these rural communities.
There are currently more than 2,000 students who graduate from 10 local high schools each year in HomaBay County, Kenya. These Youth face significant barriers after graduation which hinder them from accessing sustainable jobs or skills. As a result, they will turn to drugs, crime and other unhealthy activities to meet their needs and the those of their families.
This project will effectively address the identified problem by constructing a community center in HomaBay County, Kenya, serving as a centralized hub to provide essential services and opportunities for these youth in order for them to gain skills in technology and sustainable employment. Additionally, the hub will act as a space where youth can discuss challenges like mental health and respond to various needs in their community.
The project will have the capacity to catalyze sustainable socio-economic development and empowerment within the region. By providing essential services and opportunities for youth, such as access to libraries, computer centers, and safe spaces, the project lays the foundation for improved educational attainment, skill development, and personal growth local community members.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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