Exclusively the training centre is for Training on MFP (minor forest produces) of Add value process and fair prize marketing. It will free them from middlemen and money lender exploitation. Further Legal awareness, rights based training, environment training, etc will be conducted by tribe women and youth empowerment. It will free them from sex abuse, Gender deprivation, human rights and gender wise oppression and exploitation.
Add value process and Rightful collection of MFPs such Amla, Lemon, Honey, Kadukkai, Tamarind, Tuber, etc by Income Generation Training, Vocational Training, Awareness Training, Rights based training and MFP (Minor Forest Produces) for Tribe Girl, women and youth are being run in our target area but rental building and insufficient place are existing because Tribal area are in remote or hills area. Such training centre and proper training will give reasonable empowerment among them
The training centre will help to equip and empower few thousand of tribe women and youth by training with sufficient infrastructure and trainers' accommodation. Good training as IGP training, MFP training and rights based training are done. Economical empowerment and rights based empowerment are possible only by conducting training. So it is very important to the women and youth development in Tamil Nadu Tribe areas.
12000 women and youth will have been trained for next ten years ie 1200 by each year. This will increase income and food security to tribe community. Rights and legal empowerment will make good and sustainable changes. So tribe social and economical condition will be tangible. All tribe girl and women are aware on abuses and violence. These comprehensive activities will empower in economical, rights and end violence on tribe girls and women
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).
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